Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Ahhh boredom, you are my arch nemesis! Here's the deal- I LOVE being a stay at home mom! BUT, both Tristan and I get so bored being at home all the time. We only have one car, and Ricky takes the car 4 days a week. The bus is about $5/day whereas gas is only about $2.70/day. Isn't that weird?

We need people to come over more. Also, we need to go on more walks. There aren't any parks within walking distance. The area around my condo isn't that great for walking. I am going to buy an umbrella stroller so I don't have to lug Tristan and the big stroller down the 3 flights of stairs (the stroller usually stays in the car anyways).

Anyone want to come over and hang out? Any ideas of what we can do around the house?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What's New

Let's see... What's new? We have decided on a girl's and boy's name:

Vaida Kaelyn Hawkins

Izak Orion Hawkins

I know there is controversy over the name Vaida, but Ricky and I just couldn't find anything else we liked.

I am almost 6 weeks pregnant. I am a little over a week 'behind' what I would have been if I had normal cycles. Tristan was 'off' as well. I found this out before my first official OBGYN appointment (June 15th) because I've been having some spotting. I had some spotting with Tristan, too, but I needed peace of mind. I went in to get an ultrasound. There was no heart beat yet because the baby is too young still. She said in a few more days we would have seen it. No miscarriage. The bleeding is probably from the baby "implanting" itself, and it hit a blood vessel or something. I am on 'pelvic rest', so I have to rest, and try not to use my stomach muscles, try not to lift anything over 20 pounds (careful with Tristan). I think she said my due date was Jan. 31st, but i'll know for sure when I see the doctor. The funny part: she asked if I had used any fertility drugs to get pregnant. I almost had twins. There were 2 eggs, but only one developed into a baby.

Tristan is doing very well! He will be 13 months in a little over a week. He is SOO close to standing and walking! He likes pushing his walker all over the place, and leans on things without holding on. It has been about a week and a half since I weaned him completely. I am very engorged. But it's not painful like I would expect. It almost feels hard, like it's calcifying or something. I was told eventually I will just empty, but it is getting rather uncomfortable.

My best friend Amy is coming to visit soon!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What's In A Name

Naming a baby is hard!!! I've been reading book after book, and going to naming websites, etc. I want to pick a boy name and a girl name before we find out the gender. My girl name list is longer than the boy name list by far. Ricky is really picky, too. I think the boy name will be Izak Orion Hawkins. Some other boy names we are considering (either for 1st or middle):

Constantine, Dante, Jasper, Brendon, Sylas, Levi, Camdon

We dont want a name ending in 'on' or 'an' or 'in' for a first name because we don't want it to rhyme with Tristan. Sylas was our second choice for Tristan, but there was recently a 'Silas' born at our church.

For a girl, we really like Vaida Kailyn Hawkins. My family insists she would be made fun of and called Darth Veda. We also are playing with the spelling of that. Veda, Vada, Vaida, Veida, Vaeda, etc. We want people to at least know how to pronounce it (VAY-da). Some other girl names:

Arabella, Arabelle, Anabella, Anabel, Presephone, Charlotte, Scarlette, Lydia, Madelyn, Adelaide, Adeline, Rosalie, Raena, Kaelyn, Cadence, Amelina