Happy Birthday to my little man, Tristan Isaiah Hawkins! I cannot believe it has already been I year since he was born. A year ago today, I went from no contractions to 10 centimeters in 2 1/2 hours. The hospital was a whirlwind. I called asking if I should come in because my contractions were 3 min apart, but had just started. They said yes. I called Ricky to come back home. We got to the hospital and I thought we would be sent home. My contractions were a piece of cake. Hooray! I was 5 cm. They said to walk to hall for an hour till my room was ready. I only made it down the hall. I got to my room. I was 10 cm! The nurses were freaking out and telling me not to push (I didn't even feel the urge). Then I pushed for 7 hours.... and he had to be 'vacuumed' out. His little nose was squished for weeks, and his head was a cone. His head was so sore that they went to the NICU and got him a gel pillow that he slept on for 2 weeks lol.

The past year has gone by so fast! I told Ricky yesterday that I have sung 'You Are My Sunshine' to him every day of his life. At one year, Tristan is a speedy crawler, picky eater, finicky sleeper, very hyper and active, and he loves getting hugs. He's not much of a cuddler, though. He has 5 teeth. He is 'cruising' on furniture, but not walking yet. He has stood once, but he normally just leans against things, even without his hands. He is down to 2 nursing sessions a day, and has 4 solid meals a day. He just started eating finger foods, but just barely. He just started getting attached to this little stuffed rattle giraffe named "Jambalaya". He loves eating hair and fuzzies! His favorite foods are bananas and yogurt. He says 'mama' 'dada' and a mangled version of 'light'.
I am so thankful that I get to stay home with him every day! I've barely spent any time apart from him, and I still feel that I've missed so much. I love him so much! Today we are getting pictures of him and family portraits. I realized that to this day, we do not have a single picture with all three of us in it... that's sad! I will be done weaning him in a month, which makes me sad.
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