Monday, May 30, 2011

So much going on!

So many changes! As posted before, I am pregnant! Also, Tristan is fully weaned as of 2 days ago. He is doing excellent with it! He has been going right to sleep at night, instead of fussing. He has been abnormally cranky (extremely cranky!) the past week, but I think it may be teething? He does not have an ear infection. Some people think he may be able to tell i'm pregnant. He seems much better today, though *knock on wood*. I hosted an amazing spa party yesterday! It was all decorated with candles and flowers! There was a spa room. My friend came and did mani/pedis. There was a hand massage class, and tons of giveaways and prizes. We did affirmation cards, and there was tons of food and activities. I think I'll do it again in 6 months!

Ricky and I will be celebrating our 5-year anniversary in August! We are going on a road trip. My parents are kind enough to watch Tristan. It will be good time spent together before baby 2 comes along. Here is our itinerary:

Sat- Drop off Tristan, drive 3 hours to Astoria, Oregon. Visit Fort Stevens. Camp at Astroria/Seaside KOA.

Sun- Visit Seaside, OR all day. Camp at KOA.

Mon- Pack up, drive 1 hour, visit Tillamook Cheese Factory. Drive 7 more hours. Camp at the Redwood National Forest KOA.

Tues- Explore the Redwoods. Camp at the Redwood KOA.

Wed- Pack up, drive 3 hours to Crater Lake. Camp at Mazama Village Campground.

Thurs- Explore Crater Lake. Camp at Mazama Village Campground.

Fri- Pack up, drive 9 hours to Leavenworth, WA. Camp at Leavenworth KOA.

Sat- Explore Leavenworth, pack up, drive 2 hours to our condo in Renton. Sleep at our house.

Sun- Sleep in, rest, pick up Tristan after his nap.

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