Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Creation NW

Today through saturday, my mom and I are going to Creation NW. It is the largest Christian festival in the US. This will be my mom's first time, but it will be my 8th time. I started going with my aunt (my Godmother) in 6th grade. It used to be at the Gorge Ampitheater, so this will be my first time at the Enumclaw Expo Center. We are going to see tons of bands and speakers, including Toby Mac, Switchfoot, Newsboys, etc, etc. I am excited! I'm hoping that I can get a lot out of the messages.

While i'm gone (i'm coming home each night), my dad and Ricky will be teaming up to babysit Tristan. Hopefully Tristan will finally sleep at my parent's house. I'm sure he will be fine. This will be good practice for when Ricky and I leave for 9 days in August.

Monday, July 18, 2011

sleep, food, and baby

We have been trying to tweak Tristan's schedule. He has been sleeping poorly for his naps, and has been waking up at 6 (he usually woke up at 7ish). I tried the one nap a day, but he only took 45-1hr nap instead of extending it, and he was tired by the end of the day, and before his nap. So we also tried moving up his bed time by about 30 min. He sleeps longer at night now (still wakes up at 6). So today we are back on a 2 nap schedule. Hopefully we can figure out the right combination of naps and bed time.

I my 12 wk ultrasound this past Thursday. It was scheduled when I was 11 wks and 2 days. However, the baby was a bit small still, so I have to go back in 2 weeks. They couldn't do the measurements they needed. Even though the baby doesn't measure at 11 wks 2 days, they don't change the due date because the original ultrasound is the most accurate. Tristan was always on the smaller side, too. I am getting big already, though! I have already gained about 10 pounds....

On another note, Tristan is yet again a very picky eater. He only wants to eat carbs, yogurt, and bananas. I try everything- mixed veggies, black beans, other fruits/veggies, meats, pieces of what we're eating.... I keep offering a bunch of stuff every day, though.

We picked nursery themes. If it's a girl, it will be very girly and frilly, etc. If it's a boy, we are doing owls :-) I can't wait till we find out the gender (september). That is when pregnancy gets more exciting. You can feel the baby, and you definitely look pregnant. You can decorate the nursery and start planning.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What's New

I keep starting this post, but I don't know what exactly to say. A lot has been going on. Tristan is starting to walk!!! Sometimes he forgets that he can, though. I gave him his second hair cut. His hair grows very fast. He is on all finger food now (no baby food!). I can't believe how big he is getting! He is almost 14 months old. He loves books lately. He will pull out tons of books from his book shelf and read to himself for an hour every day. We read a book before each nap and bedtime. Speaking of naps, he has been shortening his morning nap. I'm hoping I can keep him on a 2 nap schedule until Ricky and I return from our anniversary trip in August.

I am now just over 10 weeks pregnant. I had morning sickness for weeks 6 and 7. It was totally unexpected since Tristan's pregnancy was utterly uneventful. However, I am thankful that it was not that bad, and also that it only lasted a few weeks. I feel pretty good now. I am really thirsty a lot. I almost passed out a few times.

My best friend Amy came to visit! We went and saw some movies, went to a kangaroo farm, Ikea, took the bus to Pike Place Market, etc. It was sooo fun! It was the longest i've been away from Tristan.