Thursday, July 7, 2011

What's New

I keep starting this post, but I don't know what exactly to say. A lot has been going on. Tristan is starting to walk!!! Sometimes he forgets that he can, though. I gave him his second hair cut. His hair grows very fast. He is on all finger food now (no baby food!). I can't believe how big he is getting! He is almost 14 months old. He loves books lately. He will pull out tons of books from his book shelf and read to himself for an hour every day. We read a book before each nap and bedtime. Speaking of naps, he has been shortening his morning nap. I'm hoping I can keep him on a 2 nap schedule until Ricky and I return from our anniversary trip in August.

I am now just over 10 weeks pregnant. I had morning sickness for weeks 6 and 7. It was totally unexpected since Tristan's pregnancy was utterly uneventful. However, I am thankful that it was not that bad, and also that it only lasted a few weeks. I feel pretty good now. I am really thirsty a lot. I almost passed out a few times.

My best friend Amy came to visit! We went and saw some movies, went to a kangaroo farm, Ikea, took the bus to Pike Place Market, etc. It was sooo fun! It was the longest i've been away from Tristan.

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